Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Atomic Heat Ray # 3

Name: Atomic Heat Ray

Issue Number:  #3

Number of pages:  52

Size:  Quarter Page

Style: Black and White

What it’s about: Atomic Heat Ray is a DIY ‘zine about, primarily, stickers.   I paid $2 for both issues # 2 and # 3 and in addition to the issues themselves, I also got a bunch of extras including some stickers and for whatever reason a sealed pack of Toxic Crusaders trading cards.  (I love Toxie and recently rekindled my love of trading cards, so, no complaints here)   I’m sure that it’s relevant though because the pack contains eight cards and one hologram sticker.  

                Issue # 3 was printed in July of 2012 and is full of some good tips as well as fun reads.   There is an interview with Sticker Guy Pete (Cheap Plug: www.stickerguy.com) as well as a Q&A with Marty Stickems.  There are pictures of many great stickers abound, including but not limited to stickers from the very talented Rachael Renee Payne (whom I love)  There is also an article on how to get stickers into this high to reach places, which I found to be quite clever.

                As I’ve recently become very involved with DIY stickers, I find that if I was going to pursue it as a hobby into a ‘zine form then this is exactly how I would want it to be.    Luckily for me, I do not feel compelled to make a sticker ‘zine as instead I can simply just tell you to read Atomic Heat Ray.   Bring on Issue # 4!

How to get it:   atomicheatray.tumblr.com, atomicheatray@hotmail.com, facebook.com/atomicheatray

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